Monday, November 06, 2006

Child's Play

The holiday season is approaching and there are a lot of very sick kids in hospitals around the world who will be forced to enjoy it from the quiet isolation of a hospital room. What can you do about it?

Two gamers from the Seattle area named Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins have an answer. Since 2003, using the enormous readership of their gaming webcomic Penny Arcade, their hugely successful charity Child's Play has generated over $1 million in video games, game systems, toys and cash donations to children's hospitals across the United States. This year, they have added hospitals in the UK, Australia, and Africa.

By partnering with and, they have made it possible for specific hospitals to create wish lists for toys and age-appropriate video games for the sick children that take up residence in inside their walls.

Donating is as simple as clicking a hospital on the list, perhaps one in your area, and ordering an item on their wish list to be delivered directly to the hospital. You can also make cash donations (accepted year round) via Paypal which will be divided evenly amongst all participating hospitals at the end of the drive.

Take the time to read the letters posted on the charity's website from former children's hospitals patients and parents about the benefit of such entertainment for children who are facing their own mortality.

Media Coverage of Child's Play:
Seattle Times
LA Times

There are dozens more to be found with only a little searching.

Every little bit helps.